Monday 25 June 2012

The tail of the runaway piggy!!!

Our sister park Wheelgate Family Theme Park, nottingham has been kept on its toes this week with tonnes of excitement following the discovery of a runaway piglet in their alpaca pen!!

The one week old piglet recently known by the name of Al, was a surprising discovery for farm staff at gruff goat farm whilst they were feeding the alpacas on Friday afternoon. Wheelgate do not have any pigs on their family so everyone was a little baffled to say the least.

Only being approximately a week old staffs prime aril instincts where to return the little runaway to its mother. The search begins...

After ring around the local farms and parks within the area with no success the Wheelgate team have decided to take the search more global with Facebook, tv and radio campaigns.

Hopefully little Al will find his mummy!!

In the mean time little Al is being vey well looked after by catering manager Jay Bloomfield who takes the little tyke home for late night bottle feeds.

So the story continues ...

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